Saturday, 22 December 2012


So this my second announcement and don't worry I will make it short.
I am not the best speller in the world as you can probably tell by my posts so please don't be rude about it! Please correct me though if I don't spell a word right.
Also I may make mistakes because I don't proof read(even though I should!) so please correct me on them please.


Bye for now,

YouTube Stars And Cool Videos No.3

Hi all you butts,
As you can tell I am a 1D fan. I'm not a crazy stalker girl, I just like their music. So for all you One Direction fans here is today's video:

All One Direction Songs!!

This includes songs from the Up All Night album, Take Me Home album, songs that are not on any of their albums and a couple of their performances of the X-Factor. Enjoyyy...


Please comment!
Byeee x,

Ps. Please follow me on Twitter!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Oops I'm In New York!

Sorry about last post I posted it but it just deleted what I wrote! GRRRR!
So today I am in New York!!!!!! I have had trouble finding acsess for this computer so please be greaatful!
I have been here for six days and are going tomorrow :( I really like it here eventhough it is extremley busy. We have been nearly everywhere. I am not going to go into detail of what we did because I only have limited time on here. So instead of doing a YouTube video I am going to recomend a place in New York.
Today's recomendation is.... The Empire State Building!!!
It is VERY tall. Go in the day and you are amazed, but in the night it is beautiful!

Also I would recomend Ground Zero. It is very emotional, but if you go to New York you do need to pay your respect. If you every get the chance to go to Grpund Zero then go at night, it is so pretty! Everything is lit up!

I have to go now but I will speak to you sson!
Remember to comment!

Byeee ,

Empire State Building:

Ground Zero:

Thursday, 6 December 2012

The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction

Again sorry for the slow update! There is no grantee that I will update every week, I'm very busy!
So for today's Cool Video is:
Mark Parsons' The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction.
Even if you are not a One Direction fan you will like this video, it is so funny. My friend HATES One Direction but loved this video...go check it out!!



Saturday, 27 October 2012


Hello everyone!
It's finally the half term yay! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like forever...I've been really busy. I'm going to update HOPEFULLY everyday.
So todays post is one of my favourites, it is called: Interrupting Adele by JennaMarbles;

It's really funny and so is her other videos! Go check them out...but there is quite a lot of swearing in there as well...just warning you.
Please comment and subscribe,

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

You Tube Stars and Cool Videos A/N

Hey Guys,
This is an Announcement so read carefully...
I don't think anyone is reading this blog but it gives me something to do and I want to keep people entertained.
So to those people who are reading this PLEASE can you comment to show me that there is people reading this and tell other people about this blog, it would mean the world to me if there was people reading this!
Oh and by the way ignore the other posts, they are rubbish and I really want to delete them but I don't know how so don't be mean about it. I was really young.
Many thanks,

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

'You Tube Stars and Cool Videos' No. 1

Hey everyone,
I have changed my Blog name to 'You Tube Stars and Cool Videos'. So every week(no promises) I will TRY to put up a You Tube video that I think deserves recognition.
So today's one is...
And don't forget to check out her other songs, she is a great singer! :)
